Thursday, March 05, 2009


1st time ppl speak out my mind
1st time ppl mentioned the sadness in the heart
1st time tears drop when ppl speak out my mind
i duno y tears drop
I should worry bcoz got ppl know my mind, myself, my sadness, my depress etc...
and first time ppl ask me "你为了什么而活?"
and i m still finding the reasons that make me continue to live on...

**Fren out there, "你为了什么而活?", have u ever think of this?


  1. hmm..i started asking this question when i was 16 but until now stil no answer, haha. alr fed up finding the answer liao..
    stays strong, gambatee!

  2. wahlau... ur thinking really mature.. kekkee
    i think... the main and only thing make us stay all the while is $$...

  3. =.='' u indirectly shoot me say i old liao, so sad :( haha
    haha, earn more $$ then can go travelling more often

  4. Don't think too much and complicated yourself, live life simple and happily :D
    Of coz $$ is the crucial thing in our life! $$ keep me moving on~

  5. hahahahaha.........cheerrs :D
