after cny, finally back to perlis again..
as usual, every time back here, sneeze again
feel relieve after settle my little AL thing & the new start day...
received a call from my 1st ex roomate, crystal toh
quite long time never heard from her,
the most thing juz sms each other
she bring me a news
our floormate, Pei Ying, passed away
really stunned for this news, duno how to react
heard tat she attacked by the virus
now she in kluang..
it has been along long time seldom keep contact with those block A ground floor fren liao..
but still remember the days we always watch the tv in the TV room
espcially the 才华横溢出新秀
time time i keep notice tat gary yap-- 叶俊岑
everyday every dinner always will see 4 of us, crystal, me, pei pei & pei ying..
2 diff rooms homemates always hangout in the campus in 2001
but after move to block E, seldom meet them
after grad, totally lost contact..
never ever think of the fren bside me will never had any chance to meet again, coz she left forever
Rest In Peace, my fren, Pei Ying~~