Hi there,
First of all, very glad to know that Ministry of Tourism just announce Michael Wong become the spokesman to promote the Malaysia for the Visit Malaysia 2007. And again, the ads are very very nice. Good job!
But still I have something to voice up. When I browse the Ministry of Tourism website, which is www.tourism.gov.my , i only able to see in 1 version, which is English version. Since Michael Wong is the spokesman for Visit Malaysia 2007 and his main role is to attract more and more tourist from countries like China, Hong Kong or even Taiwan. As we all know, 99% of the residents there are all Chinese. If there is a version for Mandarin for this website, its quite convenient for them. Eventhough nowadays, high educated people from these coutries able to read English, but this doesn't mean that others who only mainly know Mandarin won't be the tourist. Who knows these group of people will be Malaysian's biggest income? So why not invest some money to create another Mandarin version to introduce Malaysia?
Another thing I would like to voice up is the information provided is wrong! Recently I watch a programme that introduce about Malaysia. This Taiwam programme mainly intro every country places. Hence, they had been invited to Malaysia by Ministry of Tourism. The name of the programme in Mandarin is "台湾脚逛世界". In this programme, the VJ had been brought around in Malaysia by a tour guide (where I guess this tour guide is arranged by Ministry of Tourism) call Penny. Able to see from here that the first place Panny bring the Taiwanese VJ around is the Twin Tower. But so disappointed is, when Penny intro to the VJ, this Twin Tower in Mandarin called 双子塔. But in fact, the name translate in Mandarin should be 双峰塔. I know its just the name of translation. But if there are many Mandarin name to be translate for Twin Tower, why not we just stick to one name. More than 1 name not only confusing Malaysiam, but also the tourist as well.
When do the research around, able to find out the so called the latest translation of the places name in Malaysia
最新出炉的国家、州与联邦直辖区、州首府、新城市、建筑物及大马货币华文规范译from the cari.com.my website, http://chinese.cari.com.my/myforum/viewthread.php?tid=154139&extra=page%3D1
and this website get the resource from Nanyang newspaper online which is:
If the Nanyang Online Newspaper is publish the correct translation name for Twin Tower, WHY Ministry of Tourism still giving the wrong and confusing information to the oursider especially the media people of Taiwan for this case.I bet, if more and more programme would like to intro Malaysia, the same thing will happen again, and the wrong information will be given again. Let say, in this programme, if the information given by Ministry of Tourism for the mandarin translation is 双峰塔 but its the so called Tour Guide in this programme is telling 双子塔, WHY still finding this kind of people who given the wrong information be the tour guide. I believe, everyone had to know very well all the information related to their job. WHY this tour guide, still can give the wrong translation? This is not the first time happen, because the same thing happened on our famous singer, FISH LEONG, also giving this name 双子塔when intro Malaysia in of the programme. Really hope the person in charged beware of the name of translation. If erally only stick to 1 name, PLEASE Announce it to let everyone know CLEARLY.
(pls:Hereby attached the screenshot of the so called tourguide, Penny with the Taiwanese VJ)