
Saturday, January 23, 2016

2016 Resolution

despite the bad economy last year which totally tear many plans in pieces
this year resolution is pretty straight forward
give back to the society as long as I can afford
Started my blood donation back in 2005 at Menara Johnhancock (now known is Menara Manulife)
i had been donate blood at least once a year to the Pusat Datrah Negara (PDN) who always have the blood donation campaign
and this year will be something different
will focus on the patients who need to undergo any ops at any hospitals (with easy find parking style and i don't mind to pay for the parking and I don't mind to apply leave to do tat) in Klang Valley
donate 4 times a year (donor can donate every 3 months)
when I decided to donate to any patients regardless the religion on the 2nd Jan, then i saw the news of the trolley issue came up after few days.
seriously deep in my heart i am asking lately: why should I donate to PDN if you started the mall or force any new mall to have different type of trolley for halal and non halal?
my papa used to help ppl with his way and time
and i will help ppl with my way and which ever convenient me
during my 1st blood donation, I also signed up become an organs donor but then I lost the card
perhaps if one day the same campaign appear in any shopping mall, i will go sign up again
ok I just email them to organize more campaign for organ donor in klang valley
however i will still sign up as organ donor regardless the receiver's race

the other thing is can give back via other type of donor like stem cell
I more interested to know what are the things that I can donate more to the people who need the most besides money.

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