
Thursday, September 22, 2005

My Star, My Sun

Since when me & her start to have our own star from the company
at the beginnnig, they are the ppl that motivate us to work everytime met them
but my fren, she got many stars , from outside and also from inside
for me, i only got 1 star
until now i still wondering y i take this as my star
my star is a cool ppl,... never smile to ppl if u not the person who smile to him 1st
my star seldom meet him here as we work diff time
my star always bring a bag
my star is too dark until my dear fren tot he was malay>>wahahhaa
Star could be very cool as night is very cold
but the Sun must be very sunny
Since sometimes i working at morning, starting to find another one to be my Sun
My Sun is the ppl who always block the sight when look at the star
My Sun only appear if my star is not around
My Sun always can hear his voice everytime he was here
My Sun is more talkative (due to his job) than star
My Sun always use the Skpe until here also can hear the conversation
My Sun & star also quite dark due to thier job functions
never met My Sun at old place
My Sun & My Star bcome the motivation to come to work
they are the ppl who can cheers up me

suddenly thinking of my ex colleague, Kreisler Buy
he is the first ppl come to intro himself when my 1st day at GSC
he is a happy go lucky ppl
always can cheer ppl up when u r sad
he always cheers me after i scolded by my dear boss last time
never had a nice colleague b4
anyhow after i left there, he also resign...
i like the movie Kreisler handle>> The Shutter
He really proved to other ppl this movie can earn more profit after iimplement his marketing plan
ppl expect the movie only can be 300k but at the end the movie managed to reach 900k
feeling very warm to had such a nice colleagua last time..
appreciate for his encouragement ,thanks my dear fren
In Fact, i still finding the ppl to be my star & sun in my life

**Jieio>>Jie li is NA de... someone juz inform me.. hahahaaaa...


jen_lover said...

Hey... Working harder to get ur 'real' Sun & Star...
For meanwhile.. just treat 'them' as ur Sun & Star 1st until u find the 'real' one later in ur life..

Hehehehe ^^

jen_lover said...

哎哟~今天七早八早就被你的太阳吓到..我从厕所出来,我拉门,他推门,我们两个人都愣了一下,他却笑说我一定是做了什么亏心事 ^^" 可是我当时在想其他的事情哦。我们都嘻嘻嘻大笑~ 好糗哦 :" >