
Monday, July 21, 2008

Days Without Internet - 18

"the internet port is full"
these phase hit me kao kao
how long m i going to wait...
oredi get phone line, streamyx account oredi active, but NO PORT @!!!@!!!@#@#$%$%^&^T&
okie fine
i still can continue write on a book

recall last week
she want to go cubbing...
find ppl around us
he is not free
okie i told her
if he dun wan go , i also dun wan go
since when i bcome like this
but this only happen on clubbing
admitted quite fun to go clubbing v him

get the number and the 1st person i called was him
asking him about clubbbing
keep saying he is bz
and suggest someone can go v us
the moment i listen the name
i got no mood to know the details anymore
bcoz he started to say "her" story

i tot we still can go clubbbing
like last time
play until hyper

but the moment when he mention about "her"
i know it wont be happened anymor

weird weird weirdsome kind of feeling make me dislike "her"
Okie, Joce, STOP IT...
u have to know u got no more chance like last time
wat is going on v me...

**fren, its almost half year since our last clubbingmaybe its time for us to find new ppl go clubbingdon't u think so?**

**whom so wei da accompany u whole sat kekkekekekeke ur new tyre?**

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