Tuesday, December 30, 2008
MSN Chat
ST (status:If u do something bad u will get back what u do it before.Is a CURSE!!!): yes
Me: believe wat goes around comes around
but i cannot see (i mean i cannot see it happen on u also, haihh)
ST: cannot see what?
Me: Some revenge
ST: u say wat? say clearly ma
Me: ooooooo
say liao lo
ST: dunno
say la
always like tat
Me: wat always
ST: no idea what u talking lo
not understand lo
bz meh u
Me: not eraly
no la
u better duno (bcoz i m referring to u, u did that b4)..
ok dun say liao
ST: =.=
ok then dont choi u liao
some ppl say worse come and go, then will be good things reach
not put so much hope as dun wan disappoint more
not really set a resolution
but still got somethings to do / or changes to make
Aim of 2009
- need a change in the daily task
- game officially ended and no more game
- reborn & upgrading
- more alert and careful when selecting fren
- keep monitoring
- concerntrating on learning Jap , no more other distraction
- need to have more activities especially outdoor one
- continue trying new things and explore more
for those who understand me well will know wat are the things i refer to above..
no matter wat, I strongly believe in what goes around comes around
Monday, December 29, 2008
one of the scenes is about
grapes competition - where they need to pijak pijak on the grapes
some pijak v frends, some with family, some v special person
the angles very warm, sweet + touch...
nice ~
Conversation Part 1
A: (has been waiting for 10 mins) Why u so late today? Dating v guys ah?
B: no la.. just now pk (Pengawas keceriaan) meeting delay..
A: I warn u ah.. dun patto during school days, UNDERSTAND?
B: Oooooooo
A: u see those gals and guys there, dun learn from them.... bla bla bla
B: yala..
Dicussing about 3G in Perlis in the car
A: now even kuala perlis also got 3G already
B: so now how many places in Perlis got 3G
A: 2 lo, Kuala Perlis and Kangar
B: then where were u during BBQ that day?
A: jiu ying li lo (a ulu place nearby padang besar)...(九英里)
B: that place got 3G meh? how come can video call v u that time??
A: no mah... that time i oredi on the way back
(the Q is for the video call that made by B video call from a house tat night
Playing the phones of each other @ Starbucks NZX
B: (see the logs) who is this Boey Sim? Why everytime she need to miss call you and you have to call back? (by showing the log record at least got 5 times miss call and call back)
A: she is the one that hired to take care of the maid lo...she got urgant thing to discuss tat y lo
B: yah right.. u hired ppl din pay for her meh? y she got no $$ to make a call? I tot only me will do this (miss call and A call back) and Why got ppl do this to u also?
A: r u checking on me?
B: Yes, so? cannot check on u meh?
A: (bu shuang and walk away)
C: (busy playing games + the place is noisy hence hear nothing)
N years ago, A always monitor B bcoz scare patto thing influence the exam
N years later, B learn from A, monitor back
this is so called : Learn and Use
**why 3 persons are so difficult to get simple life?? why make things complicated?? HATE**
**if there is 2nd time, i wanna exchange simple life and lovely place i stay with my inti time, with my lovely frens, v my nice nice colleagues and ex colleagues and v waterever i had**
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Lian Ai Mao . Beauty Talk
Be Stupid
the liar
the fake
and so on
u happy, me happy (i wonder), everyone happy (looks like)...
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Another Way Of Xmas Celebration
use small road to go NKVE
recently use this highway to speed
remember me the days speeding on MRR2
recall back the conversation when video call him
as expected
festive season not at home
recall back the words he lie
tears cannot control
speeding + dropping tears along NKVE
wat else i can do
plus recall that morning
got someone asked me
y u dun wan apply to that team
telling the reason that given
wat else ....
tear drop when the time show 00:00 25 Dec
this xmas is not merry
Monday, December 22, 2008
Congratulations, Bee Sin
only find out she is waiting for my reply to her wedding dinner
well... i really seldom check my yahoo mail, sorry
luckily that place is at Klang...
for sure i will go...
and might meet some of her BCP classmate last time...
can't wait to meet them.. :D
really wonder hows everyone now..
Congrates agian, my pretty ex roomate in Inti hostel last time...
Learning VS N85
still learning to take photo v this phone..
at least this one.. after shooting, process more faster than previous N73
not really try out the video yet...
and GPS
not really prefer its GPS
i oredi miss the junction only ask me turn left =.="
and i was juz driving @ 80 to 90km/j
prefer ladies than gentleman voice in that GPS
and reaction is slow (try to find other ways if miss out junction or wat)
still learning to use it...
and oredi activiate that NGage game...
and the so called free game - Star War is boring
** dun have the time to set the theme, loaded mp3 & sms ringtone yet**
Photo Frame For Her
Saturday, December 20, 2008
This Baru Called Pro
went to Wenawave Saloon this noon
our appointment was 12:30pm
have some chit chat v this hairstylist young hairstylist - Ken Lim when cutting my hair
tot he is 23
but he is 24
haha still looks younger even from the photo in IFeel or real person...
saw his interview article on this month iFeel
and no wonder juz now he looks so familiar...
he keep on mentioning that his requirement very high.. and will do (set hair / cutting) until he satisfy about his "product" + his job is to use the hair to cover not perfect place of the face
This hairstylist is very professional + good in entertaining the customer+ energetic + friendly
i like the color of the hair
and he also very satisfy that "product"
hahaaa although bit sharp
they keep add on the colors to my hair if found some place is unbalance >> impressive (as previously went to a saloon near Atria Shopping Center and that fella wont do so and asking me to highlight the hair coz my hair still show dark even already dye with color)
after settle our hair, he then rush to MY FM for an interview..
** he got the right attitude and got the potential to be one of the top hairstylist in MY**
** this is not a really god experience got keep sneezing non stop in the saloon + cannot talk so much**
Tarot Experience
went to 69 shop which is located bhind BTS
bcoz tat Tarrot master until 1am
so still managed to reach there b4 that time
so nervous
as this is the 1st time visit
each person per time only can ask 2 Q
the 1st Q i ask the super sui thing this year
that master looks young.. and funny
the words she say
shocked me
and get more and more shocking
when she told me about the answer of 2nd Q
and eliz keep laughing bcoz the things she mentioned
is exactly like tat person
funny and tired experience..
Tired Day
rush to sunway for that bbp steamboat that facing LDP
meet up v eliz and lai v
met st and his gf again during steamboat
eliz and me showing our blue blue and blur blur face due to recent issues
st curious y i also blue face
suddenly mention me " she sendiri cari one"
lai v so shocked & tot he also knew that thing..luckily he juz simply say say
but if he knew that he shouldn't say that bcoz.....
mention about the time went redang...
okie tat time realy fun...
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
i dun wan everyday feel diff to breath
bcoz of these kind of things
trouble me
and dec
is the last month of 2008
i dun see any good thing for piggy in 2009
no matter wat...
i will try my best for our new mission
tui yi bu, hai kuo tian kong...
not easy ...
and my housemate is the judge
we see
who can faster climb up from that hole
okie 6 months? sound a bit longer
who will win??
no idea..
but we got our new mission from now on
**remark of the day: 5 mark >> fail **
Coffee Effect No More Working
feeling bit headache
+ the feeling of the egg bun make me wanna vomit
i stress
bcoz of the jap exam is coming soon
and i still not in the mood to study
bcoz no matter how i try to decrease it
the number of ticket still hitting 30
having coffee in the morning
and coffee to me.. no more special effect
i wont rush for toilet..
at least.. 2 days..
something is cant output as well
Monday, December 15, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
N96 selling price is 2.9
and the dealer price is juz around 2.1 for ori
wat a big diff
and i m not getting that 2.1 bcoz of some reasons
sorry for those if really want to get cheaper one
as i cannot help much also with some reasons..
dun ask me why..
Friends, Need Ur Phone Num Pls..
I need ur hp number due to losing that sim card..
please sms me and let me know ur names...
thank you very much.
devil gal,
Saturday, December 13, 2008
SMK Perlis
this is one of the reason Why i like video functions...
bcoz can record any time any where
and since when our SMKPs students getting fierce ==.=="
Friday, December 12, 2008
Summary Of 2008
which is a nice number for me but not a really nice year
4 simple words to conclude it -- shun qi zi ran
when u saw something , v the feeling of, must be that one... no more other
when u can expect the result but
things change at the last min and the changes (another word is barrier) sometimes is that 0.01%
hit the hard wall kaokao few times
until i have to admit
sometimes if something belongs to u
its really belongs to u
no matter wat happen also
at least bought something i planned
and these furniture make my room looks smaller and hot hot
at the same time, i lost the one acc me for 1.7 years -N73
and i did get the chance to be a bad gal
and now is the time back to my normal life
**well to me, video is more important than photo
bcoz video capture
the happy moment, the laugh, the smile , the touch , the sadness, the accident, the proof even evidence**
**9685, mana satu?? aiks**
ありがと ございます
Arigato Gozaimasu
for those
teasing, scolding, helping, caring, friendly, cheerful, lovely fren
and those the thing cause sadness, tears, and i hate throughout the year
bcoz of the experience gain
fill up my 2008 with some memories =)
Check Yes Juliet - We the Kings
Check yes Juliet
are you with me
rain is falling down on the sidewalk
I won't go until you come outside
check yes Juliet
kill the limbo
I'll keep tossing rocks at your window
there's no turning back for us tonight
lace up your shoes
A O A O ah
here's how we do
run baby run
don't ever look back
they'll tear us apart
if you give them the chance
don't sell your heart
don't say we're not meant to be
run baby run
forever will be
you and me
check yes Juliet
I'll be waiting
wishing, wanting
yours for the taking
just sneak out
and don't tell a soul goodbye
check yes Juliet
here's the countdown
3...2...1... now fall in my arms
now they can change the locks
don't let them change your mind
lace up your shoes
A O A O ah
here's how we do
run baby run
don't ever look back
they'll tear us apart
if you give them the chance
don't sell your heart
don't say we're not meant to be
run baby run
forever will be
you and me
we're flying through the night
we're flying through the night
way up high,
the view from here is getting better with
you by my side
run baby run
don't ever look back
they'll tear us apart
if you give them the chance
don't sell your heart
don't say we're not meant to be
run baby run
forever will be...
run baby run
don't ever look back
they'll tear us apart
if you give them the chance
don't sell your heart
don't say we're not meant to be
run baby run
forever will be
you and me
You and me
You and me
finally found this songs that rock me recently..
another rock songs enjoy the most =/
little chili - Jun Yi
check her profile in live space
and wow she already 17
the years
full of challenging
and gonna go U soon
the moment i first saw her in 1st aunt house
she was still in kindergarten and can speak very good english tat time
and very good in talking
that y called as little chili
and now this chili already grow up
went julie jie jie house to overnite during the 1st sem in inti
due to the ghost thingy in the block A hostel
poor little chili tat time cannot study bcoz i was sleeping at her study room
suddely feel getting older and older
going to the 5th year soon after leaving nilai
**miss that butter prawn rice of xiao ji**
**To Ah Heong koko fren,
heard that my dearest cousin brother still in AU
and not sure his wife got back here or not..
pls contact Jun Yi to know more
dare not ask them much about this eventhough he already gone for few years**
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Jogoya 2008 Dinner @ Starhill Galary 10122008

Gathering For Perlis Lang
is having invitation to have a gathering during jan 2009
rejected this invitation bcoz i tot gonna held in perlis or wat
manatau is clubbing in kl
guess only went clubbing for 3 times this year
oh yes...
mana tu lee chuan...
ish ish.. waiting him for clubbing although his bday oredi passed (in nov)
wanling & julian
do u guys attend that gathering org by senior?
as usual, if wl go then i go
this time i dun wan to release via clubbing
Found. Surprise
and finallyfound that mistery person
added as fren
and under expectation
is NA
know a new fren
added as fren as well
then surprise to see
the person is not i thought of (race)
and not in the mood to joke
hence lazy to show online
**really lazy to entertain ppl recently**
**thinking wat i m actually want?**
SE that one nice but but but it seems dun have front camera
tat is important part if wanna video call ppl
85 and 96
got ad and disad
juz not in the mood to do a decision
esp when there r some options to choose
feeling lazy...
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Quote Of The Day #2
**not sure how true, get this quote from the TVB oldies drama recently**
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Give & Take
thinking bout
if got a chance, can i accept?
yes i can..but can i trust?
i dun have any confidence
after few times been cheated by someone u trust the most..
**thank you**
m i looks like easy bully ppl?
okie this time i m really bloody angry..
sorry, i cannot control when talking to u
cny wanna go back or not... still spinning in my brain
**soul still sick sick sick**
Monday, December 08, 2008
Congrates - Sandy Wang
find out time really pass so fast
recently her 2nd children juz born
well, this time is a boy
gal + boy = good (word in mandarin)
happy to know that
she is enjoying her life
enjoying as a mother
and blog is the only way we can know each other news
congrate for the new born baby boy =)
RCC Fun Club 2008. Nomination
and last event for Fun Club Committee 2008 will be the Annual Dinner that has been postponed
this year
the ads for Committee 2009 already out
this 2009 year a bit different
as this can be nominate by anyone
i did nominate 2 ppl from the same team
one of them fulfill the criteria of committee 2009 they need the most - photographer
good luck guys..
Day Without N73- 1. Xmas Decoration
there is a competition of best decoration for xmas for individual and team
bought some decoration from Jusco
one of them is Merry Christmas words
well this year xmas
is not Merry at all
unable to snap the photo of my cubicle now...
友人说应立即停掉sim card
Sunday, December 07, 2008
2008 娱协奖颁奖典礼大会主题曲 - STAR
STAR (2008娛協獎大會主題曲)
(李志清) 會唱歌 我還要會寫歌
(品冠) 失敗要爬起 成功要謙虛
努力了之后也不懂 有沒有人曉得
(光良) 沒關系 有辛酸有苦澀
(易桀齊) 別人看不起 夢想撐到底
(張棟樑) 我知道有一天 我肯定會發光發熱
(曹格) I Wanna Be A Star
(梁靜茹) 讓沙漠都開花 壞孩子變聽話
(林宇中) We Wanna Be A Star
Be With Us 有你的愛我們什麼都不怕
(羅憶詩) 閃光燈停不下 笑得我臉發麻
(伍家輝) 會唱歌 我還要會寫歌
(陳威全) 失敗要爬起 成功要謙虛
(謝婉婷) 努力了之后也不懂 有沒有人曉得
(黃浚源) 沒關系 有辛酸有苦澀
(黃威爾) 別人看不起 夢想撐到底
我知道有一天 我肯定會發光發熱
(許俾文) I Wanna Be A Star
(童欣) 用音樂讓全世界瞬間被感動溶化
(溫力銘) 讓沙漠都開花 壞孩子變聽話
(李吉漢) 感謝你對我的崇拜已經無法自拔
(張起政) We Wanna Be A Star
(黎升銘) Be With Us 有你的愛我們什麼都不怕
(二號旋) 閃光燈停不下 笑得我臉發麻
(馬嘉軒) 有你們才能讓我們所有的夢想變得偉大
(大合唱) I Wanna Be A Star
讓沙漠都開花 壞孩子變聽話
We Wanna Be A Star
Be With Us 有你的愛我們什麼都不怕
閃光燈停不下 笑得我臉發麻
**i know this year PWH oredi pass but juz wanna listen to this song**
Crying For N73
first time in Inti
now sumwhere in Equine
cannot recall whether dropped in during sent the car to wash
or dropped in Jusco Equine
few attacks recently
cannot find the next step to take
to move on? hiding myself? to pretend nothing happen? or to take risk?
**how nice if still can see the aeroplane landing on that Bunga Raya again..
where is the new landing place??**
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Words VS CNY
last nite i told him
since u no heart to invite me
then this dec u no need come down kl v her to find me
if u come i also wont go to pick u up...
i know this is hurt...
when the moment i told
but i think he won't understand my feeling
bcoz to him, this is really a small thing
he only know to out v his so called frens
for wat come and find me bcoz the only place go is genting (oredi 2 years)
i started thinking
whether i m going to go back during this CNY
this is not bcoz of whom he go v his trip i suspected earlier
is bcoz this is not the 1st time going trip by himself
he still can asking me whether wanna go even he plan to go v fren
not inviting me but juz informing me
**i will also inform him that i will not back this CNY**
**i juz learn and use from wat i see, feel**
Friday, December 05, 2008
and asked him
y he never invite me to go
he giv me the damn excuses say she also dun wan go , so no need ask u lo
then say this trip invited by his fren, that uncle
i told him this is not the point
the point is
he will never ask me whether i wanan go along anot
"y other ppl can go together , y i cannot go v my family?"
"y got any trip, he won't got the heart to ask me to join?"
dun giv me the damn excuses about N years ago i mentioned b4 i dun like ulu place
keep ask me dun angry for the small thing
yes this kind of thing is small to him
but is big to me
now i know the level of daughter in his heart
when talking and talking
my voice increase and started crying
and hand up his call
i know i should not like that
but i cannot control
and my trears drop
and turn off the phone
invisible myself
** i dun wan see myself crying as i m sitting in front of mirror
hence turn off the light**
**when i turn off hp, i duno who i can call as i canot remember those 016 numbers**
Changes VS SDM
I still not to use v it or 2 face it
One of the changes is our DSM
Last time when someone in my team leave
we have a team gathering + farewell + welcoming new member and treat the person who gonna sayonara
our trend is changing since last year
replace by photo frame + our team photo v it + farewell dinner cum gathering
as usual
we did have few choices for the photo frame
but guess more and more frames we gonna choose soon
we had decided one of the frame from Royal Selangor + engrave (still thinking the phrase) + send via air mail
**guess she will be surprised and touch by receiving this farewell gift**
She is kinda traditional JP ppl who is workholic
can send (reply) email at 11pm something where we already sleep and started to send new email/reply email at 4am where we still in our dream
oh gosh
and very expert and familiar with each and every applications we are supporting
**more and more new applications come in since 2006 the desk moved here**
Whenever I received her Sametime message
I always be alert
and be prepared with my tickets
**bcoz i quite careless sometimes**
Thanks her for
backing me up when I was in the grey area (灰色地带) by understanding the steps and investigation i had done to understand well
Thanks her for
visiting us that time and we all really enjoy the moment
Thanks her for
the ideas, investigation steps that done thoroughly (checking all the related applications for 1 issue) that made us to have this kind of practise b4 we go to get advise from her
Thanks her for
encouraging me when she told me :"your test call of GHD is the best call in all GEOs"
Thanks her for
giving me the chance to meet up v different SMEs from different countries + understand more how the done their things in this March @ SG
Take care, SDM
Hope u can visit us again =)
Class VS Exam
next week got 2 PH + Xmas + New Year
yeah... finally can rest
but but but
our exam is nearer...
sei la..
cannot recognise those hiragana yet...
i m getting lazy and lazy after college time
**so scare fail in the exam...scare of XXX**
A Letter To Myself
I admitted that i failed recently.
I broke the promise that made to myself earlier.
Its not bcoz the shift maintain till feb 2009 or longer
no matter wats the reason
I know wat am i doing now...
and I know that men's fragrance still unable to giv out this year..
lets see how...
Soul of Joce
**keep blasting Jolin's Yi Ge Ren everyday repeat N times**
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Plan Changed
due to unexpected things happened
I guesss no more plan for xmas eve...
but still hope we can gather that night
and xmas... fall on Thursday...
i have to attend my Japanese classss
**sob sob**
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
SoMe ThoughtS
and to her
she face lots of things
tons of stress
family, carreer , etc
i duno how to comfort ppl
i m not that kind of person will giv a big hug if someone need companion
i m not good in comforting ppl as well
hope she really can cope everything on wat she is facing now
**suddenly feel tat those intian guys aiks...
at least those i meet always not treating gal well
maybe... should not put more attention on intian ppl**
Cover Of Cup
one of the episod mention
she pick up his cover of cup and put on her cup
and the cover size is ngam ngam to put on the cup
and she had made her decision..
what bout me?
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Aim – Not reach
I thought this year I will write a blog per day
Manatau until now still cannot reach this aim
And still lack of 87 posts
Average 3 days per posts for this month
This is quite difficult for me
Bcoz during weekdays
Jap class + futsal oredi spend 3 days
Weekends is the time for study jap + resting
And also bz uploading all the videos taken in this year to the youtube
Monday, December 01, 2008
**written this in my word templete some time ago..**