this photo from : http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.andrewmerrell.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/GSK_House_full_front.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.andrewmerrell.co.uk/page/2/&h=399&w=770&sz=226&tbnid=HabPC9Apu3G49M:&tbnh=74&tbnw=142&prev=/search%3Fq%3DGSK%2Bhouse%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=GSK+house&usg=__lCjLEk3fjGlkliKhI-lev3omlBA=&sa=X&ei=QRHcTbGLPNPB8QPN6L3-Dw&ved=0CDwQ9QEwBQ

main entrance

side entrance
Date: 10th May 2011
Place: GSK House, Brentford, Middlesex
First day @ GSK House - the HQ of GlaxoSmithKline
this building is so big with 4 blocks connected each other
and its having a park inside the office together with few restaurants (indoor)
and there is also another park next to it
enjoyed the 2 days GSK Experience
and have a strong feeling to join in the community that always go to different country to do some charity or some community events
I wanted to do something to contribute a bit for certain group of ppl even certain country
through this 2 days Induction, we know more about the business of company, the vaccine, the R&D, the Over-The-Counter products , hows the vaccine (Malaria and so on) and medicals works and save ppl life and so on
This is the first time I learned about how ppl do the Orientation Day by providing so much of the company info and first time feel that, ok I also wanted to contribute something to the ppl
First time I can remember the company Mission : Do More, Feel Better, Live Longer
Note: All photos taken by Joce were outside GSK House
Do appreciate and thank you to my boss to let me join this charged Induction