Monday, June 29, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Work In Someone's Hometown
had dinner v a fren last time
he talked about he going back to work..
and mentioned his gf also join him work in their hometown..
he asked me:" would you also following ur bf going back his hometown to work?"
he guess i wont do so..
well , i think.. maybe some day i meet someone.. and the hometown got my job..
for sure, i follow
now, still unable to answer it
i think ST would say like this bcoz i still prefer KL than my hometown..
**how about u? will u follow?"
he talked about he going back to work..
and mentioned his gf also join him work in their hometown..
he asked me:" would you also following ur bf going back his hometown to work?"
he guess i wont do so..
well , i think.. maybe some day i meet someone.. and the hometown got my job..
for sure, i follow
now, still unable to answer it
i think ST would say like this bcoz i still prefer KL than my hometown..
**how about u? will u follow?"
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Messy. Mind
i m not in the study mood
or learning mood
maybe that is not my interest at all..
and learning that is really juz for fun ><><
and the futsal tournament is crash with my exam arhh
was feeling miserable and worry pass few days
after getting confirmation
i feel so relief
i know sumhow
my luck still there
as i m not affected yet...
sometimes is not really lucky
is bcoz of people giving chance
i guess i know why the thing had been done so early
and really appreciate it
thank god
still remember someone told me
the person worried that something big going to happen
and that thing affected that person's current carrier
at first the thing came across my mind was manpower cut down
refresh back something happen within these few weeks
from the emails , survey, "shadowing" (am i use the correct word?) and etc that still carry out
G project is the thing came across my mind
guess this not only bring big impact to him but also WW (world wide)
good luck to everyone of us
i can foresee the tougher life is just started while H1N1 still attacking every places around the world
aza aza fighting~~!!
i m not in the study mood
or learning mood
maybe that is not my interest at all..
and learning that is really juz for fun ><><
and the futsal tournament is crash with my exam arhh
was feeling miserable and worry pass few days
after getting confirmation
i feel so relief
i know sumhow
my luck still there
as i m not affected yet...
sometimes is not really lucky
is bcoz of people giving chance
i guess i know why the thing had been done so early
and really appreciate it
thank god
still remember someone told me
the person worried that something big going to happen
and that thing affected that person's current carrier
at first the thing came across my mind was manpower cut down
refresh back something happen within these few weeks
from the emails , survey, "shadowing" (am i use the correct word?) and etc that still carry out
G project is the thing came across my mind
guess this not only bring big impact to him but also WW (world wide)
good luck to everyone of us
i can foresee the tougher life is just started while H1N1 still attacking every places around the world
aza aza fighting~~!!
International SMS
login to maxis portal to check the latest bill
checking on the sms part
expand the data charges
found out the sms sent in May was 3
and guess how much it cost?
rm 0.60 is the 3 sms sent to the country code start with 81
its much much more cheaper compare to the sms sent from that country
which is rm 2 per sms
and last month bill
finally manage to balance back between 50 to 60
where the monthly package tat subscribe was rm50
checking on the sms part
expand the data charges
found out the sms sent in May was 3
and guess how much it cost?
rm 0.60 is the 3 sms sent to the country code start with 81
its much much more cheaper compare to the sms sent from that country
which is rm 2 per sms
and last month bill
finally manage to balance back between 50 to 60
where the monthly package tat subscribe was rm50
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
sia sui 的 释放
从来没有那样sia sui过
所提到有人laughing at you
**suddenly i proved that wat kind of ppl will mix with wat kind of fren.. and i admit i quite "Small gas", how about my fren? i wonder..**
所提到有人laughing at you
**suddenly i proved that wat kind of ppl will mix with wat kind of fren.. and i admit i quite "Small gas", how about my fren? i wonder..**
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Chinese MY = Selfish
Papa called and asked me to listen to the radio or watch 8pm news later..
its about few schools in KL oredi closed down
browsed sinchew-i and came across this one
very obvious
this culprit
already the victim of H1N1
still trying to cover and refuse to tell the persons he contacted b4
the only reason refuse to say is so simple - don't want the family kena quarantine
and the consequences make the virus spread around the Cheras International school
and cause so much of impact and issue - school closed down, ppl worry, and i know very soon, half of the RCC ppl will need to work in TTDI..
thanks to the selfishness of this Chinese
make the thing getting worse
overhead a fren describe the discussion with her colleagues
she said her colleagues if kena H1N1, for sure dun wan go to hospital or report it bcoz worry during quarantine time will be spread by other victims
darn bloody selfish
bcoz of this kind of mind Chinese in this world, they normally make things worst
I know as a Chinese
we cannot criticize ourselves so much
but when u go around the places, a lot of things done by the so called smart and stingy Chinese
1. shopping center 's escalator always block at the right side by most Chinese who are not well educated by parents.. this is so serious happened in Msia ONLY
2. most Chinese always like to drink soup with noisy sound as if to let other know he/she is drinking soup.. that is really impolite
3. if ppl say during H1N1 time, ppl need to cover with tissues when sneeze , Jocelyn say not only sneeze.. during u Burp that time, should also cover with tissue bcoz we all spread our the "air" during we burp
4. Chinese also likes to burp big big sound in public area and this is really impolite and irritating
imagine if u r at a very grand restaurant which has nice environment and quiet.. suddenly the surroundings spoil by burp sound.. arhh so shame on that person who burp and disturbing other's dinner time
5. Chinese kids or adults like to shout and some even run till hit other ppl in the public area.. this is quite common..as if these ppl never been to that area
these are juz some part of the common issues among Chinese
this is no other reason but juz parents never teach them
they only depends on the teacher in the school
and always complain the teachers if they cannot teach their kid well
(always heard mama complaint saying the parents only know to blame teachers but never think whether do they done their job as parents to teach and guide their kids at home, bcoz kids spent 2/3 time at home but not school)
**MY dear Chinese readers/bloggers out there, how many out of the 5 things mentioned above , u r one of them??
kindly well educated ur kids in future and dun sia sui other Chinese**
its about few schools in KL oredi closed down
browsed sinchew-i and came across this one
2009-06-23 16:26
very obvious
this culprit
already the victim of H1N1
still trying to cover and refuse to tell the persons he contacted b4
the only reason refuse to say is so simple - don't want the family kena quarantine
and the consequences make the virus spread around the Cheras International school
and cause so much of impact and issue - school closed down, ppl worry, and i know very soon, half of the RCC ppl will need to work in TTDI..
thanks to the selfishness of this Chinese
make the thing getting worse
overhead a fren describe the discussion with her colleagues
she said her colleagues if kena H1N1, for sure dun wan go to hospital or report it bcoz worry during quarantine time will be spread by other victims
darn bloody selfish
bcoz of this kind of mind Chinese in this world, they normally make things worst
I know as a Chinese
we cannot criticize ourselves so much
but when u go around the places, a lot of things done by the so called smart and stingy Chinese
1. shopping center 's escalator always block at the right side by most Chinese who are not well educated by parents.. this is so serious happened in Msia ONLY
2. most Chinese always like to drink soup with noisy sound as if to let other know he/she is drinking soup.. that is really impolite
3. if ppl say during H1N1 time, ppl need to cover with tissues when sneeze , Jocelyn say not only sneeze.. during u Burp that time, should also cover with tissue bcoz we all spread our the "air" during we burp
4. Chinese also likes to burp big big sound in public area and this is really impolite and irritating
imagine if u r at a very grand restaurant which has nice environment and quiet.. suddenly the surroundings spoil by burp sound.. arhh so shame on that person who burp and disturbing other's dinner time
5. Chinese kids or adults like to shout and some even run till hit other ppl in the public area.. this is quite common..as if these ppl never been to that area
these are juz some part of the common issues among Chinese
this is no other reason but juz parents never teach them
they only depends on the teacher in the school
and always complain the teachers if they cannot teach their kid well
(always heard mama complaint saying the parents only know to blame teachers but never think whether do they done their job as parents to teach and guide their kids at home, bcoz kids spent 2/3 time at home but not school)
**MY dear Chinese readers/bloggers out there, how many out of the 5 things mentioned above , u r one of them??
kindly well educated ur kids in future and dun sia sui other Chinese**
Monday, June 22, 2009
MSN Account
Not In The Mood -- need back thing part
found my white pendrive was not in my bag
i guess i borrow to someone else
and i cannot recall who is that
and still no symptom of returning my pendrive..
sometimes really fed up coz when u really need that thing u own but its with someone else
wat is so difficult to return to the owner if finish using?
and if u really need the thing, just purchase it
i own it bcoz i need it
so bloody moody and blue
ppl out there, if u are having my things with u, kindly return to me by 23 June
U are welcome to challenge my patient
** not intention to pinpoint anyone..
if u so unlucky to fall into that group, please dun terasa
but if u still terasa, sorry, thats ur problem**
i guess i borrow to someone else
and i cannot recall who is that
and still no symptom of returning my pendrive..
sometimes really fed up coz when u really need that thing u own but its with someone else
wat is so difficult to return to the owner if finish using?
and if u really need the thing, just purchase it
i own it bcoz i need it
so bloody moody and blue
ppl out there, if u are having my things with u, kindly return to me by 23 June
U are welcome to challenge my patient
** not intention to pinpoint anyone..
if u so unlucky to fall into that group, please dun terasa
but if u still terasa, sorry, thats ur problem**
Vomit . Upset
It has been more than a year
I didn't drink
until yesterday lunch time
finally I had the room warming session at my place..
having the different fishballs as steamboat + red wine + soju + Johnny's Walker + grilled the pork and beef
lunch from 1pm till 7pm finish drinking
i totally cannot bear it
after mixed up with
red wine, white wine, soju and Johnny's Walker
vomit at the toilet
twice.. 7.30 and 11 something
vomit until tears out
after vomiting
i sms someone who ffk me
it has become a practice..
where i always sms ppl when i drunk
yes , i really drunk
i dun wan to recall the message i wrote as i think i was really upset after being ffk so many times
however, wat for if the person only keep saying sorry for the thing happened 1 month ago
and i m the person who wanna sent sms first
if really feel wanna apologize.. no need to wait until other ppl send message first
i think i more prefer the comfortable feeling of that fragrance
ppl laugh when looking at my drunk face
yes laughing , i always dun mind even always have the stupid act and laugh at me..
but not this time
I M very mind
even the laughing is not intention or I deserved it bcoz who ask me drink alot
I m really super upset
I prepared since yesterday
I went to the frozen shops bought 2 bags of the food
I went Jusco bought the steamboat pot + some drinks (4 1.5 L softdrink + 4 small cans)
I went to Pasar Borong Selangor and continue bought some fishballs and that 1 pack super heavy fishballs thingy (i hate to go pasar and still went bcoz just to get the "yu mian")
I spent 4 times to bring up the things with 2 hands full with pastic
I wash and prepare the fish balls and food by wrapping with the pastic plate by plate b4 1pm
and cooked duno how many pots of the soup
and in returns was just laughing
**I m not in the mood in playing anything now
wat for i cried in the office toilet for all these ><
stupid Jocelyn
who gonna show appreciation for these kind of free food ??
super duper upset **
I didn't drink
until yesterday lunch time
finally I had the room warming session at my place..
having the different fishballs as steamboat + red wine + soju + Johnny's Walker + grilled the pork and beef
lunch from 1pm till 7pm finish drinking
i totally cannot bear it
after mixed up with
red wine, white wine, soju and Johnny's Walker
vomit at the toilet
twice.. 7.30 and 11 something
vomit until tears out
after vomiting
i sms someone who ffk me
it has become a practice..
where i always sms ppl when i drunk
yes , i really drunk
i dun wan to recall the message i wrote as i think i was really upset after being ffk so many times
however, wat for if the person only keep saying sorry for the thing happened 1 month ago
and i m the person who wanna sent sms first
if really feel wanna apologize.. no need to wait until other ppl send message first
i think i more prefer the comfortable feeling of that fragrance
ppl laugh when looking at my drunk face
yes laughing , i always dun mind even always have the stupid act and laugh at me..
but not this time
I M very mind
even the laughing is not intention or I deserved it bcoz who ask me drink alot
I m really super upset
I prepared since yesterday
I went to the frozen shops bought 2 bags of the food
I went Jusco bought the steamboat pot + some drinks (4 1.5 L softdrink + 4 small cans)
I went to Pasar Borong Selangor and continue bought some fishballs and that 1 pack super heavy fishballs thingy (i hate to go pasar and still went bcoz just to get the "yu mian")
I spent 4 times to bring up the things with 2 hands full with pastic
I wash and prepare the fish balls and food by wrapping with the pastic plate by plate b4 1pm
and cooked duno how many pots of the soup
and in returns was just laughing
**I m not in the mood in playing anything now
wat for i cried in the office toilet for all these ><
stupid Jocelyn
who gonna show appreciation for these kind of free food ??
super duper upset **
Monday, June 15, 2009
Still Waiting...
It has been quite some time i didn't visit someone's blog
Dropped some comment to the person who recently updated his blog
he received the parcel that contains his art work in his frens wedding
that nice.. and really touched..
waiting for his artwork in the market..
besides that..
i am still waiting for the photos
realize I can easily find the same smell from 1 U and other places
however, the same smell does not bring any comfortable feeling
same fragrance brings different feelings
and the comfortable is bcoz of the person + the nice smell
Dropped some comment to the person who recently updated his blog
he received the parcel that contains his art work in his frens wedding
that nice.. and really touched..
waiting for his artwork in the market..
besides that..
i am still waiting for the photos
realize I can easily find the same smell from 1 U and other places
however, the same smell does not bring any comfortable feeling
same fragrance brings different feelings
and the comfortable is bcoz of the person + the nice smell
Lai V Birthday Celebration Part 2
Date: 13 June 2009
Time: 7pm
Venue: Ninja Jones, Northpoint, Mid Valley City
Phone: 0322881646/ 1676

**tips, please make reservation b4 the dinner
Dinner Set not serve during weekends
do research for the famous food b4 go there**
one of the staff served the food and asked...
"r u first time here?" because the food - pointed Seafood Papaya Motoyaki and mentioned not many ppl will order this and only regular customer order
seriously, this is really yummy..
and found these dishes from the blogs share out
<< photo taken by T900 >>
Time: 7pm
Venue: Ninja Jones, Northpoint, Mid Valley City
Phone: 0322881646/ 1676
**tips, please make reservation b4 the dinner
Dinner Set not serve during weekends
do research for the famous food b4 go there**
one of the staff served the food and asked...
"r u first time here?" because the food - pointed Seafood Papaya Motoyaki and mentioned not many ppl will order this and only regular customer order
seriously, this is really yummy..
and found these dishes from the blogs share out
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Sony DSC T900
Just over 5/8" (16.3mm)
12.1 megapixel 4x optical zoom lens
3.5" touch screen LCD
Intelligent Auto
Smile Shutter™
Face Detection
Optical SteadyShot™ image stabilization
720p HD video - MPEG4 format with stereo sound for stunning large-screen home movie playback.
Free gift:

<<photos taken by T900>>

Photo taken from: http://www.sony-asia.com/product/dsc-t900/sku/dsc-t900_s++e32
Just over 5/8" (16.3mm)
12.1 megapixel 4x optical zoom lens
3.5" touch screen LCD
Intelligent Auto
Smile Shutter™
Face Detection
Optical SteadyShot™ image stabilization
720p HD video - MPEG4 format with stereo sound for stunning large-screen home movie playback.
Free gift:

The Climb - Miley Cyrus
like this song after watching the Hannah Montana the movie
very nice song..
The Climb lyrics
Songwriters: Alexander, J; Mabe, J;
I can almost see it
That dream I am dreaming
But there's a voice inside my head saying
"You'll never reach it"
Every step I'm taking
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking
But I gotta keep trying
Gotta keep my head held high
There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb
The struggles I'm facing
The chances I'm taking
Sometimes might knock me down
But no, I'm not breaking
I may not know it
But these are the moments that
I'm gonna remember most, yeah
Just gotta keep going
And I, I got to be strong
Just keep pushing on
'Cause there's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb, yeah!
There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Somebody's gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb, yeah!
Keep on moving, keep climbing
Keep the faith, baby
It's all about, it's all about the climb
Keep the faith, keep your faith, whoa
very nice song..
The Climb lyrics
Songwriters: Alexander, J; Mabe, J;
I can almost see it
That dream I am dreaming
But there's a voice inside my head saying
"You'll never reach it"
Every step I'm taking
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking
But I gotta keep trying
Gotta keep my head held high
There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb
The struggles I'm facing
The chances I'm taking
Sometimes might knock me down
But no, I'm not breaking
I may not know it
But these are the moments that
I'm gonna remember most, yeah
Just gotta keep going
And I, I got to be strong
Just keep pushing on
'Cause there's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb, yeah!
There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Somebody's gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb, yeah!
Keep on moving, keep climbing
Keep the faith, baby
It's all about, it's all about the climb
Keep the faith, keep your faith, whoa
Lai V Birthday Celebration Part 1
The Gardens Club
after keeping the receipt for few months, went to the Gardens Club to submit the receipt and get the member card..
well i think the only facilities i will use as mmeber is to go the gardens club Lounge spend some time on reading, surfing net and enjoy the coffee there..
<<Photos touch up and taken by T900>>
well i think the only facilities i will use as mmeber is to go the gardens club Lounge spend some time on reading, surfing net and enjoy the coffee there..
<<Photos touch up and taken by T900>>
Friday, June 12, 2009
T900 VS N85
had dinner with Steven Teu (ST) @ Carls Jr (keke who did the fb quiz - how well u know jocelynlai should be familiar)
then heard he mentioned about the Sony Promotion in PYramid
so juz go there and have a look
both of us still same
using phone to take camera
and never had a camera yet
this is a good chance to own one
and he also playing the Sims
and the latest one is Sims 3
im waiting for the new one, hehehe
finally i bought the brown color Sony T900, cheaper 100 , paid RM 1399
+ 10 % off for the extra battery (if buy together) , bcome RM 188
the photo below capture using N85

and this is the N85 i used to take photo all the time till now..

ops... even show my finger print on the screen =.="
then heard he mentioned about the Sony Promotion in PYramid
so juz go there and have a look
both of us still same
using phone to take camera
and never had a camera yet
this is a good chance to own one
and he also playing the Sims
and the latest one is Sims 3
im waiting for the new one, hehehe
finally i bought the brown color Sony T900, cheaper 100 , paid RM 1399
+ 10 % off for the extra battery (if buy together) , bcome RM 188
the photo below capture using N85

and this is the N85 i used to take photo all the time till now..
ops... even show my finger print on the screen =.="
Thursday, June 04, 2009
A H1N1
this one is more serious than SARS
someone over there is doing something
maybe it found
nowadays ppl are getting too much
its time to get rid of the useless ppl
this can be proved when we see the figure of number increased alot for the so called "Big Brother" country who always like to bully other
god, pls get rid of those
who already done too much of GOOD things
I believe
something happen to u (die or half die)
is the results of wat u had done...
>>whatever u get today is due to what u had done yesterday<<
Msia cases increase to 5
2 cases happened on 15 may and 16 may
3 more cases happening beginning of the June
3 out of the 5 ppl here are students back from USA and another 2 are tourists
Msia parents out there,
please stop ur sons/gals returning from USA juz bcoz of the summer holiday
because Msia still got lots of ppl scare of dying
Stop spreading it around here!!
As per the latest update from WHO website
SG cases reached 9th
and JP figure keep on increasing
according to a fren who really give face to our country
he said Msia is not spreading so fast if compare with JP is bcoz the public transportation is not really tat good yet
in fact
we know how damn good our public transportation
someone over there is doing something
maybe it found
nowadays ppl are getting too much
its time to get rid of the useless ppl
this can be proved when we see the figure of number increased alot for the so called "Big Brother" country who always like to bully other
god, pls get rid of those
who already done too much of GOOD things
I believe
something happen to u (die or half die)
is the results of wat u had done...
>>whatever u get today is due to what u had done yesterday<<
Msia cases increase to 5
2 cases happened on 15 may and 16 may
3 more cases happening beginning of the June
3 out of the 5 ppl here are students back from USA and another 2 are tourists
Msia parents out there,
please stop ur sons/gals returning from USA juz bcoz of the summer holiday
because Msia still got lots of ppl scare of dying
Stop spreading it around here!!
As per the latest update from WHO website
SG cases reached 9th
and JP figure keep on increasing
according to a fren who really give face to our country
he said Msia is not spreading so fast if compare with JP is bcoz the public transportation is not really tat good yet
in fact
we know how damn good our public transportation
Something Nice
looking back the thanks message
i guess i didn't do it very well..
seems like i quite enjoyed to bring ppl from other country to visit Msia..
4 or 5 years ago
that time bring jen's SG fren - Vincent walking around..include the favor Sri Petaling pasar malam, genting, etc
this year.. bringing a jap
bringing to some places but not really much
and getting some horrible driving experience when the way back from Marrakka
from melaka, melaka food, melaka places, kl, pj , dimsum, bkt
from the recent outings
the one finally I stepped into the Baba and Nyonya muzium..
and find out many many muzium in Melaka.. but how come all muzium closed so early =.="
im very keen to know more about the baba and nyonya thingy after watch Little Nyoya (小娘惹) - a SG drama by Media Corp
this Muzium located at Jonker's Street
we managed to join the last group of visiting tour at that muzium before it closed
from the dining room, to the bedroom, the way of celebration elser ppl birthday, the way they have wedding (Pernanakan Wedding)until the kitchen utensils they used in the kitchen
a nyonya showed us and explained in detailed
everything about Baba and Nyonya and until she showed us a hall that written 追远
this chinese word is very familiar if those watch Little Nyonya
it means they want their younger generation remembered their moyang
then I did see some poster about Little Nyonya drama..
looks like they really borrow this place for shooting that drama
I asked that nyonya
and she mentioned that place only borrowed for 10 days for the crew of drama
I don't really know whether our guest really enjoyed this place since our guest was not feeling well tat time
anyhow.. i bought some souvenir from that shop.. one is sticking on my whiteboard.. another one given to ppl who likes reading
maybe 10 years later, baba nyonya only can be seen in muzium
On the way back to KL
speeding with 140 to 150 (on the way go there juz drive 90 =.=")
+ miss out the KLIA exit..
hence exit at the bangi
bcoz bangi near to SK
after the exit.. follow the roadside showing Dengkil
as this place we are quite familiar with
because we wanna go back Cyberjaya...
keep on folllowing the so called Road Sign (sometimes appear sometimes not showing where to go next)
from the very nice road
the road sign lead me to the supre kampung road
we even saw the motel along the kampung road..
not much car
8pm ++
1 gentleman VS 4 ladies
the road is juz like the road go up genting..
many many turning around.. and saw the highway juz next to us but i canot reach it .. darnn =.="
furthermore, my oil tank already dropped to the last part
there is no streetlight
as we were driving in the jungle.. a real jungle in Msia..
no petrl station.. very less vehicle passing by
cannot imgaine how if we are out of petrol or car suddenly breakdown...
thank god at the end... the small road joint the major traffic light of Dengkil where we saw many cab heading to KLIA and LCCT
jap still duno wat is so called jungle and won't feel anything
wat a horrible experience
something quite enjoyable during the Melaka time is the nice nice foot massage :)
this was my 1st foot massage and they really impressed me
this shop near to the Continental Hotel
i will be back to try the body massage
when bringing jap fren to Dataran Merdeka..
accidentally turn in to a place where is the places for tourist..
guess i need to pay more tuition fee of the KL road include Pusat Sains Negara in order to bring ppl around
well, i m still not a good tour guide..
Note: Skybridge of KLCC is off on Monday..
**sometimes the favor place is not bcoz of scenary or food, it juz bcoz the memory with some frens**
i guess i didn't do it very well..
seems like i quite enjoyed to bring ppl from other country to visit Msia..
4 or 5 years ago
that time bring jen's SG fren - Vincent walking around..include the favor Sri Petaling pasar malam, genting, etc
this year.. bringing a jap
bringing to some places but not really much
and getting some horrible driving experience when the way back from Marrakka
from melaka, melaka food, melaka places, kl, pj , dimsum, bkt
from the recent outings
the one finally I stepped into the Baba and Nyonya muzium..
and find out many many muzium in Melaka.. but how come all muzium closed so early =.="
im very keen to know more about the baba and nyonya thingy after watch Little Nyoya (小娘惹) - a SG drama by Media Corp
this Muzium located at Jonker's Street
we managed to join the last group of visiting tour at that muzium before it closed
from the dining room, to the bedroom, the way of celebration elser ppl birthday, the way they have wedding (Pernanakan Wedding)until the kitchen utensils they used in the kitchen
a nyonya showed us and explained in detailed
everything about Baba and Nyonya and until she showed us a hall that written 追远
this chinese word is very familiar if those watch Little Nyonya
it means they want their younger generation remembered their moyang
then I did see some poster about Little Nyonya drama..
looks like they really borrow this place for shooting that drama
I asked that nyonya
and she mentioned that place only borrowed for 10 days for the crew of drama
I don't really know whether our guest really enjoyed this place since our guest was not feeling well tat time
anyhow.. i bought some souvenir from that shop.. one is sticking on my whiteboard.. another one given to ppl who likes reading
maybe 10 years later, baba nyonya only can be seen in muzium
On the way back to KL
speeding with 140 to 150 (on the way go there juz drive 90 =.=")
+ miss out the KLIA exit..
hence exit at the bangi
bcoz bangi near to SK
after the exit.. follow the roadside showing Dengkil
as this place we are quite familiar with
because we wanna go back Cyberjaya...
keep on folllowing the so called Road Sign (sometimes appear sometimes not showing where to go next)
from the very nice road
the road sign lead me to the supre kampung road
we even saw the motel along the kampung road..
not much car
8pm ++
1 gentleman VS 4 ladies
the road is juz like the road go up genting..
many many turning around.. and saw the highway juz next to us but i canot reach it .. darnn =.="
furthermore, my oil tank already dropped to the last part
there is no streetlight
as we were driving in the jungle.. a real jungle in Msia..
no petrl station.. very less vehicle passing by
cannot imgaine how if we are out of petrol or car suddenly breakdown...
thank god at the end... the small road joint the major traffic light of Dengkil where we saw many cab heading to KLIA and LCCT
jap still duno wat is so called jungle and won't feel anything
wat a horrible experience
something quite enjoyable during the Melaka time is the nice nice foot massage :)
this was my 1st foot massage and they really impressed me
this shop near to the Continental Hotel
i will be back to try the body massage
when bringing jap fren to Dataran Merdeka..
accidentally turn in to a place where is the places for tourist..
guess i need to pay more tuition fee of the KL road include Pusat Sains Negara in order to bring ppl around
well, i m still not a good tour guide..
Note: Skybridge of KLCC is off on Monday..
**sometimes the favor place is not bcoz of scenary or food, it juz bcoz the memory with some frens**
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
recently is kinda lazy and tired..
thats y no more new posts
a little bit blue blue..
no idea wats wrong now..
nervous? worry? stress? missing?
thats y no more new posts
a little bit blue blue..
no idea wats wrong now..
nervous? worry? stress? missing?
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